We are delighted to say that
we will be playing a special concert
in Skelmorlie Church on Saturday afternoon,
4th March from 2.00pm.
This will be in aid of
Skelmorlie Church funds,
as a thank you from the Fiddlers
for the use of the Church Hall every Saturday morning.
It will be a musical
and a fun afternoon,
and all will be very welcome.
We had a brilliant afternoon at the Largs Flower Club's Scottish event. Some of us watched the Flower Arranging -so please expect to be quizzed on the plant names and produce exquisite arrangements from now on !! We played a fun program of Flower themed tunes , a couple of ceilidh sets which were danced to by some of the ladies and Allan delighted the audience with his rendition of Annie's song and his usual "banter" ! All in all it was a great "gig" !
Here’s a wee clip from our gig at
Cardwell Garden Centre, where we
raised over £400 for
our local Foodbank